Memorial Day Weekend

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Memorial Day Weekend

Post by MrSimon » Mon May 30, 2011 4:16 pm

Three of us fished on the Thursday, Friday, and Saturday before Memorial Day. We had a great time and caught a lot of fish.

I've been reading on this board for a while now that the fishing isn't what it used to be, the lake is fished out, the bass are smaller now, etc etc etc. Let me tell you, after what I experienced, you are all full of it. This lake is healthy and full of lots and lots of fish. And they aren't small. I've fished all over from Northern Ontario to south Florida. Hands down Black Lake is the best fishery I've ever been on.

Three of us fished for three days and caught a total of 153 fish. Mostly pike with a bunch of LMB and SMB as well. We even caught some perch, crappie, and one big old walleye. Only ten of those 153 fish were less than 12 inches. Almost all the bass were 15 inches or bigger. The pike were all in the 20-26 inch range. The three crappie were all 11 inches. The one walleye we got was 22 inches long and really heavy.

All but one of those 153 fish are still in the lake.

I've been fishing Black Lake every spring now for almost 10 years. This was by far our best year!

The lake was high. Very high. But we were able to get back in the trees and find plenty of pike and bass. The pike back there weren't all that big, but the bass we also picked up were fat and healthy. We moved out deeper to find bigger pike, which we did. We also found big bass in the deep weeds as well. The inside and the outside weed edges were top producers. I was amazed how many bass we picked up on the outside edge of the weeds while throwing pike lures. I'm telling you, the bass in this lake are everywhere!

We worked rocky points for pike and walleye, but mainly found smallies. Big fat football sized smallies.

The best pike action came in big weedy bays when the wind was blowing into the bay. We were able to just drift into a bay and catch two or three nice pike on every drift.

Don't believe me? Check out the pictures.

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Re: Memorial Day Weekend

Post by Bassbuster » Mon May 30, 2011 7:36 pm

Just curious if you weighed any of those bass? What was the biggest? How long?

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Re: Memorial Day Weekend

Post by sasnyder » Mon May 30, 2011 9:25 pm

that is awsome. After all the the reports lately it is good to see this. thanks for sharing the pictures, Look like a good time was had.

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Re: Memorial Day Weekend

Post by wildchild » Mon May 30, 2011 9:52 pm

Nice fish! Thanks for sharing!

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Re: Memorial Day Weekend

Post by 492VS » Tue May 31, 2011 5:15 am

Wow, that water level is high.

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Re: Memorial Day Weekend

Post by MrSimon » Tue May 31, 2011 8:38 am

Thanks guys!

Yup, the water level was really high, but I could tell from the marks on the trees that it had come down at least 18 inches already. We were expecting the fish to all be back in the trees ... and some were, but they were also out deeper just like normal.

Sorry, we didn't measure or weigh any of the bass. If I had to guess, I'd say we caught 40ish bass with an average weight of around 2 pounds. We caught one real lunker that must of been a 5 pounder.

EDIT: Oh, and the walleye was caught trolling a big old spoon very fast in about 4 feet of water. So the old saying of "low and slow" for walleye doesn't always apply :D

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Re: Memorial Day Weekend

Post by Bassbuster » Tue May 31, 2011 11:08 am

That's good I'm glad you didnt measure or weigh the bass. It is best to get them back in water as quickly as possible to minimize stress and reduce amount of bed damage during spawn. I actually think it's best that if you do accidentally hook one during pre-season is to release at side of boat and don't even take out of water. I know that isn't always possible but I think that's best thing to do. Everyone should remember that it is illegal to fish for bass pre-season at BL yes even C n R. We had a discussion about this in another post and I'm not saying you did that or trying to take anything away from your fun weekend. I believe in reading your post that you guys were targeting pike and eyes and just could'nt get away from those pesky bass!
Also, the fact of the matter is that these fish are extremely easy to catch and vulnerable during this time of year and because u guys caught a bunch of bass in May isn't a good indication on the quality and condition of the fishery from a bass perspective anyway. The quality of this bass fishery is not nearly as good as it once was so if everyone does their little part to help in anyway collectively it will be very beneficial in the long run.r Anyways thanks for practicing C n R and hope you have a great season!

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Re: Memorial Day Weekend

Post by MrSimon » Tue May 31, 2011 12:05 pm

You know, I seriously considered not posting a trip report at all ..... simply because I was afraid of getting this type of response. The overwhelming amount of "don't target bass pre-season" rhetoric on these forums is getting out of hand. Its to the point where a guy can't post anything bass related without getting peppered with posts like yours.

I talked with multiple locals up at the lake last week, and every one of them complained about this forum saying most of the posters are a-holes. Granted, I think that conclusion is very harsh, but I can understand their frustration.

Why are you coming into my thread and making soap-box posts about how everyone should be fishing? Why are you critiquing how I catch, handle, and release fish?

If you want to comment on my fishing report, great. If you want to preach to people, start your own thread.

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Re: Memorial Day Weekend

Post by sasnyder » Tue May 31, 2011 12:24 pm

I personally enjoyed the pictures and would not you to stop the postings.( BUT I did miss the picture of the guy on the john). :P
It always seems someone has to start. all you have to do is read thier history and forget about them. This forum is what keeps us connected to the lake
And I'd hate to see it go away. Just my thoughts.

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Re: Memorial Day Weekend

Post by harry pikeman » Tue May 31, 2011 12:31 pm

I am so glad you you posted that Simon, I am excited to get up to the lake in a few weeks but I have not posted anything since last year because pepole like Bassbuster. It is great to get good reports like that I think it really brings up the morale of the forum. When every post you write is going to be judged by others who think they are in charge of the lake it makes you lose interest.

Awesome pics man!!!!Can we start using this forum for its purpose, sharing strategies , fishing reports and good stories? Save the preaching for sunday morning Buster...............
Tight Lines! Harry Pikeman

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Re: Memorial Day Weekend

Post by Bassbuster » Tue May 31, 2011 1:12 pm

I am too, it just shows the total lack of understanding out there on this matter. Look it we have all caught our share of pre-season bass while targeting pike but to take the extra time to take pics of 9 bass including one female with bloody tail is where I have the problem. If you don't want to hear my opinion on it too bad. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree that's all.

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Re: Memorial Day Weekend

Post by Central NY Girl » Tue May 31, 2011 4:53 pm

nice pictures. I have to say I enjoy reading this forum. I
look forward to all of your reports. because I can see my family on the lake fishing as you do. I hope no one leaves out their report just because there is a whiner in the group. :cry: there always seems to be one person or a couple that has to play the role. Keep posting lets not be children, actually they are smarter than the adults.
Its about being at the lake the atmophere the great hosts that put up with us out of towners as they say. :wink: the relaxation and good old family fun.Any way we will be at the lake the third week in july and last week in august. can't wait :lol: I hope we catch fish like Mr Simon's group. Good luck to all

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Re: Memorial Day Weekend

Post by Bassbuster » Tue May 31, 2011 10:33 pm

Hey central ny girl I only offered my opinion on the subject and was simply reminding/informinig folks especially out of staters of the no pre-season bass fish law on BL. Where I come from we don't call that whining or acting childish we call it standing up for what's right or what we believe in. I never personally attacked anyone like you have done to me. Last time i checked this is still a free country and i have the right of free speech , now you may not agree with what I have to sa, but quite frankly I really don't care. Also just for the record I never accused anyone of breaking the law, that's always up to the DEC to decide. By the way you might want to read the topic titled bass fishing under general category so you can hear what other opionions are on pre-season bass fishing.

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Re: Memorial Day Weekend

Post by sasnyder » Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:01 am

OK. In my opinion this should stop. :(

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Re: Memorial Day Weekend

Post by Central NY Girl » Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:44 am

Bassbuster wrote:Hey central ny girl I only offered my opinion on the subject and was simply reminding/informinig folks especially out of staters of the no pre-season bass fish law on BL. Where I come from we don't call that whining or acting childish we call it standing up for what's right or what we believe in. I never personally attacked anyone like you have done to me. Last time i checked this is still a free country and i have the right of free speech , now you may not agree with what I have to sa, but quite frankly I really don't care. Also just for the record I never accused anyone of breaking the law, that's always up to the DEC to decide. By the way you might want to read the topic titled bass fishing under general category so you can hear what other opionions are on pre-season bass fishing.
I'm SORRY. I did not mention your name. From now on I will keep my opinions to myself.

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