Side trip from BL

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Side trip from BL

Post by CTR260 » Sat Mar 18, 2017 9:36 am

We are considering taking a day trip to the St. Lawrence from BL. Any suggestions for areas to fish up there?

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Re: Side trip from BL

Post by brian_c » Tue Mar 21, 2017 8:14 am

I've launched at Kring Point State Park before and fished Goose Bay (right off Kring) - any of the shoals sticking up in the bay hold a decent amount of fish, the SW end of Chippewa Bay, what I'm going to call "the chute" on the back sides of Ironsides Island (side not in the channel), and around what I'm going to call Gauno Island (it's an island covered in white...well you get the drift...near Ironsides).

Using a drop shot tipped with worms I've raised pan fish, bass and an occasional pike. Usually do better with a Mepps #3 in silver but that seems to be my go-to lure when all else fails.

The launch at Jacques Cartier State Park looks good although I have not personally launched there. No idea on the fishing as we've normally gone for the nice large sandy beach and swim area for the kiddos.

This was normally about the first-second week in August so the weeds were rather thick in areas but still fishable.

If you haven't been on the St. Lawrence before, a Navigation map is a MUST. Watch where you are going as there are any number of unmarked shoals either just above or just below the water surface otherwise you will do damage to your boat and motor. My uncle took his skeg off his motor on an unmarked shoal.

And watch where you are in relation to the CA-US border. Canada has been getting very picky in recent years and stories have been posted about fisherman's boats being seized by the CA authorities as the boat owner didn't register entry into CA.

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Re: Side trip from BL

Post by MrSimon » Mon Mar 27, 2017 11:49 am

Brian gave good info!

You can also launch at the public ramp in Morristown. It's a ten minute drive from the bridge in Edwardsville. It's a very nice protected ramp with decent parking (grass mostly) and no fee. The fishing will be all about finding good structure close to deep water. There are lots and lots of shoals and sunken islands out there. With good electronics and boat control, you can do really well on smallies and walleye. Dropshots and controlled drifting are killer.

Jaques Cartier State Park has a nice ramp too. There is a day-use fee at the gate, but it's cheap. The ramp gets busy and there is next to no parking at the ramp. There is plenty of over-flow parking, but it's a long walk. Fishing is the same as launching from Morristown.

The public ramp in Chippewa Bay is free and has decent parking. It's not the greatest ramp in the world, but it works fine. Expect to churn through lots of weeds if you launch there in summer, and watch out for shallow rocks and shoals!

As always when fishing the River, like Brian said, be careful .... it's dangerous!!!! Shallow reefs, strong currents, nasty weather, big waves, international borders, speed boats, huge tankers etc. The fishing can be excellent, but ALWAYS PAY ATTENTION.

Lastly, if you are brave and want an adventure, try the river at night. There is next to no boat traffic, the wind usually dies way down, and the walleye fishing is superb!

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