What's the best fishing you've had on the lake?

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What's the best fishing you've had on the lake?

Post by MrSimon » Thu Apr 30, 2015 10:48 am

Sometimes when everything comes together at the same time, the fishing can be unbelievable. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it's something to remember.

I've seen it happen a number of times on Black Lake, but the most memorable happened a few years ago in the Spring. It was getting late in the day and the wind was blowing at a moderate clip in towards the shore in Mitchel Bay. We would start out in the middle and let the wind blow us in towards shore. We were throwing buzz baits and the topwater bite was amazing for both bass and pike. We caught dozens and dozens of fish in just a few hours. The fish were ridiculously aggressive and we saw numerous pike come completely out of the water when hitting the lure. But as soon as the sun dipped below the trees, it shut off. I'll never forget that evening.

Have you guys had similar experiences?

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Re: What's the best fishing you've had on the lake?

Post by Fishpro » Thu Apr 30, 2015 11:18 am

One of the best times I remember was back in the late 50s. My Dad, rest his soul, and I were in the weed beds near Big Island. It was a Semi- cloudy day and the wind was minimal. We were using Gray Flatfish lures in the F7 size. One after another we caught Walleyes and limited out within a hour or so. Back then most people kept and ate their fish. They made great fillets. Never again were we to experience such a catch. It was a very memorable day. Fish On Dad!!!! Catch & Release!!

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Re: What's the best fishing you've had on the lake?

Post by fishinmagician » Thu Apr 30, 2015 1:37 pm

Every day on BL is a good day, but the most fish in a short time was June 07. My buddy and I were drifting the weed edge on Mitchell Bay and we caught about 40 bass in less than two hours. Only about 6 or 8 were shorts. One of the most memorable mornings ever. (all were released asap) Have not had a flurry of activity like that since. However I keep hoping.
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Re: What's the best fishing you've had on the lake?

Post by danielsardina » Sat May 02, 2015 3:15 pm

You are a fishing magician to get 40 bass in 2 hours. My buddy Henry and I caught over 50 bass and a few northerns with a couple 4 pound smallies and 5 pound largemouth in a day, but that took over 8 hours. What made that day extra special was the homemade venison sausage we had for lunch during our daily break from fishing as well as the 70 degree weather in July! Until a few years ago, we could fish from safe light till dark and be happy with some snack bars and drinks on the boat. By the time we were in our late 40's, a big mid day meal and a nap became necessary. That meal and nap are becoming as enjoyable as the fish catching.
I hope you all break your P.R.'s fishing Black Lake this year. On the days you don't, remember to enjoy the whole experience, from the morning coffee to the anticipation of catching a P.R., to the beautiful views and the fellowship with your fishing buddy. Take the time to smell the fresh air and listen to the birds.

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